

Kamis, 10 Februari 2011

Ninja's Demon Hunter(?) In Kuro Gakuen BONUS..... *Words of Heart*

"Sorry, but i can't die yet. So, i'll survive" 
(Rikimaru Kaguya)

"Someday, i'll find you and end your life... even if it means I will die" 
(Ren Mikaido)

"Right now its the firts time i'm being accepted. So, i'll never let anyone 
destroy it" 
(Hinata Ryuuka)

"From now until the end, i'll be your faithful servant, Young Master" 

"Let's promise.. Don"t die! Don't die and leave your partner all alone. In return, i'll smile again" 
(Ayame Kitsure)

"Thanks for saving my life, and thanks for being my friend... thank you..."  
(Minata Yukira)

"Wake up already! You are not live in peace world. Be strong and throw away all your feelings. That's the only way to survive my little brother" 
(Akira Kaguya)

"Please don't push yourself too hard, i'm worried about you. We are one afterall" 
(Kiriya The Blue Fire Flower)

"Hey! You are a good person, i like you :D" 
(Fuyu Ikushima)

"Um.... it must be good with you Rikimaru-kun... for getting so much of attention from girls" 
(Yoshida Ookima 'white')

"You idiot.... you are must the type of the person who will break up with your lover in one week "
(Yoshida Ookima 'black')

"You're one step closer to become better than you're now" 
(Hikari Shiruya)

"So then my son... who's gonna be my SON IN LAW among them all? This one? This one? This one? Or all of them? Ah, but you must remember, them must be beautiful, strong, cute, etc" 
(Mira Kaga)

"Ohh..... long time not se..... looks like you got weaker. Let's practing with me next time...."
(Riona Kaga)

"There is no particular reason. I just doing it because i felt like to *grind*" 
(Motoko Shirayuki)

"Don't come into my room and principal carelessly or you will die in a second 
(Yubisaki Michiro)

"It's okay... you just need to close your eyes and sleep a while. And when you're awake, Everything will be ended. For now, leave it to me, Rikimaru..." 

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